I don't know how it happened but Wills made a successful escape yesterday. God speed Wills! AAHH Indy everybody there runs in and above the big snow drifts. Here the dogs are so small they use paddles to dig smooth spots so something called Jack Russell and a floppy eared wart covered thing called Fegen (a cocker spaniel??? What the hey is that?) don't get lost in the drifts.

Then there's this phantom. I think it's some kind of goddess the pagans worship because they chant it's name all day long but I've never seen it. "Rose". I got a quick view of some white wispy thing moving quickly when Wills was here but haven't seen it sense. I hear strange noises emanating from under the bed. I think it's an evil spirit because it makes thunderous guttural noises at night. It may be seeking a blood sacrifice.

The pagans that worship this "Rose" are ok they've fed me, showered me with stuffed toys, surrounded me with chew toys. But I think they are just trying to fatten me up for the ritual. I heard the female on the phone today talking to someone about taking me to be neutered. I'm not sure but I think that's preparation for the ritual sacrifice to "Rose"

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